What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus (ti-nuh-tuhs) is the involuntary perception of sound or noise that does not originate as a sound wave or from an outside acoustic source. It is often described as ringing, hissing, humming, buzzing, crickets chirping or tonal sounds. The perceived noise(s) may be occasional, intermittent or constant and vary in sound quality and intensity. For some people, these persistent symptoms significantly impact their quality of life. Side effects can include fatigue, depression, anxiety, irritability and memory/concentration problems.
Patients with tinnitus should be referred for a hearing evaluation.
The good news is that there are management options. At Arizona Hearing Specialists, we can develop a tinnitus management plan that caters to your unique needs.
Arizona Hearing Specialists has recently expanded its services to include a tinnitus management clinic headed by Dr. Adriana Sanchez and Dr. Evan Davies. They both have a passion for working with tinnitus patients.
Tinnitus Facts
- 50 million American adults report experiencing tinnitus.
- Tinnitus has several causes—the two most common are hearing loss and exposure to loud noise.
- Wax impaction
- Jaw disorders
- Ear disease
- Certain kinds of drugs and medications
- Head or neck trauma
- Thyroid disease
- Cardiovascular disease
- Benign tumors known as vestibular schwannomas
Call Arizona Hearing Specialists at (520) 742-2845 for more information or to schedule an appointment.