Approximately 20% of the global population has some degree of hearing loss. Navigating your daily life with hearing loss can present unique challenges, from difficulty communicating to trouble understanding the speaker in lectures and meetings.
Captioning software is an advanced tool that can work with hearing aids to help improve your speech comprehension and minimize misunderstandings. Let’s take a look at how captioning software works and how it can benefit you.
How Does Captioning Software Work?
Captions display words on your television, computer or movie device to help you understand speech and other sound information. Captioning is available in three methods:
- Pre-scripted captions. Pre-scripted captions are embedded in the program’s audio file. They are the most accurate form of captioning because they are written and proofed before the movie or video is released. Scripted captions will display text in time with speech.
- In-person caption writer. An in-person caption writer, often trained as a court reporter or stenographer, uses a stenotype machine to translate audio into written text. Caption writers have a slight delay because the writer needs time to hear and translate the audio. Although caption writers strive for accuracy, there may be the occasional error.
- Real-time captioning. Real-time, AI-powered captioning software is an excellent option for programs or in-person speech events with no pre-recorded script. It is the most common captioning option available for lectures, meetings and other in-person events. Because real-time captioning is powered by AI software, there may be occasional mistakes, especially in cases where the speaker mumbles or stumbles over their words.
When you use captioning software, you will likely connect to the text via your smartphone or laptop.
What Are the Benefits of Captioning Software?
Captioning software offers many benefits, including:
- Accessibility. Captioning software brings clarity to patients with hearing loss. It is available in many public spaces, including schools, workplaces and certain movie theaters.
- Multilingual. Many captioning software options offer multilingual options, allowing you to read text in the language you understand best.
- Recording. Many software options allow you to record or save a transcript of the speech to help promote understanding.
With captioning software, you can boost your confidence in social settings, at work, and even while enjoying movies at Galaxy Theaters. To learn more about managing your hearing loss, contact Arizona Hearing Specialists and schedule an appointment with one of our specialists today.