The Emotional Journey of Hearing Loss: Understanding and Moving Forward
You may have heard of the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. These stages are often associated with coping with loss. But, they also provide a helpful framework for understanding the emotional journey of hearing loss. Let’s look at the hearing loss diagnosis and treatment process and how these stages may…
Show Your Ears Some Love: Self-Care Tips for Better Hearing Health
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. While most of Valentine’s Day is centered around showing your partner you love and appreciate them, it’s also the perfect time to show yourself some love. One self-care area you may have been neglecting recently is your ear health. Let’s take a look at three ways you can…
Start the New Year Right With Four Hearing Health Resolutions
The start of a new year feels like a clean slate. Many see it as an opportunity to get in shape, eat healthier, travel more or maybe save more money. But there’s one important aspect of health that often gets left out of the conversation: hearing. Let’s look at why it’s a good idea to…
Thriving in Fitness With Hearing Aids: Tips for Active Lifestyles
Staying active can help prevent and manage cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes while also improving mental health and reducing the risk of depression and anxiety. Whether you’re exploring the scenic Madera Canyon Nature Trail, powering through a Pilates class or diving into the pool at your local gym, incorporating exercise into your daily routine can…
Managing Stress-Induced Tinnitus During the Busy Fall Season
The busy fall season of holidays, school events, midterms and finals is upon us. Those events could bring added stress. For those with tinnitus, this added stress can worsen stress-induced tinnitus. Tinnitus, the perception of sounds like ringing or buzzing that aren’t present, has affected 10% of Americans. Here’s a look at common fall stressors…
How to Celebrate Audiology Awareness Month
Each October, Audiology Awareness Month occurs to promote awareness about hearing health and the importance of hearing protection. Audiology Awareness Month was established in March 2008 and prioritizes sharing resources and educating the community. According to the World Health Organization, more than 1.5 billion people, or 20% of the world’s population live with hearing loss…
Presentation by Aileen Wong, Au.D., CCC-A, at the Arizona Senior Academy
Arizona Hearing Specialists’ Audiologist, Aileen Wong, Au.D., CCC-A, presented at the Arizona Senior Academy last week. Her lecture titled, “A Universal Design Perspective on Supporting Communities with Hearing Loss” reviewed the multifaceted impact of hearing loss on our community. A video recording of her presentation as well as other presentations of the Arizona Senior Academy…
How Can Captioning Software Help You Navigate Hearing Loss?
Approximately 20% of the global population has some degree of hearing loss. Navigating your daily life with hearing loss can present unique challenges, from difficulty communicating to trouble understanding the speaker in lectures and meetings. Captioning software is an advanced tool that can work with hearing aids to help improve your speech comprehension and minimize…
Tinnitus and Mental Health: Coping with the Emotional Impact
Tinnitus is the presence of a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears when no actual sound is present. Some with tinnitus may even have an increased chance of experiencing conditions like anxiety, depression and somatic symptoms. Understanding this connection and adopting effective management strategies can make a significant difference in the quality of life…
Pediatric Hearing Aids and Loss: What Parents Should Know
Pediatric hearing loss is a prevalent condition affecting many families worldwide. According to the CDC, about 1 to 3 out of every 1,000 children in the United States are born with detectable hearing loss in one or both ears. Parents who have a strong understanding of pediatric hearing loss and the challenges they face can…