Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. While most of Valentine’s Day is centered around showing your partner you love and appreciate them, it’s also the perfect time to show yourself some love. One self-care area you may have been neglecting recently is your ear health.
Let’s take a look at three ways you can show your ears some love this Valentine’s Day.
1. Wear Hearing Protection
Noise-related hearing loss affects approximately 5% of the world population. A couple of ways you can prevent noise damage include:
- Use earplugs. Earplugs dampen the force with which sound hits your ears, lessening the likelihood of hearing loss. Get yourself the gift of barely-there silicone earplugs to help protect your hearing during loud action movies or concerts at the Tucson Convention Center. If you’re regularly exposed to loud noise, as is common with carpenters or musicians, consider getting custom-fit earplugs for better protection.
- Use noise-canceling headphones. Noise-canceling headphones block background noise, allowing you to listen to your music at a lower volume. When possible, opt for over-the-ear options. You can even wear them with your hearing aids!
2. Ditch the Cotton Swabs
Although using cotton swabs to remove earwax may be tempting, avoiding this practice is essential for your overall ear health. Not only are cotton swabs ineffective at removing wax, but they can actually damage your ear canal and lead to blockages or greater wax production. If something damages or blocks your canal, it can temporarily or permanently muffle your hearing.
If you think earwax is causing hearing issues, contact Arizona Hearing Specialists for a professional exam and cleaning.
3. Schedule Regular Hearing Tests
Regular hearing tests help us spot problems early and interfere before hearing loss negatively impacts your life. If it’s been a while since your last hearing test or ear exam, schedule one today.
Celebrate Valentine’s Day With Ear Care
Remember, Valentine’s Day isn’t just for couples! Show yourself some love this February 14th by taking care of your ears. For more information on caring for your hearing health, contact Arizona Hearing Specialists today.