How Do Hearing Aid Loops Work?
I’ve learned recently that loops and T-coils can help hearing aid users like me hear better at public events. How do hearing aid loops work? Answer: A hearing loop is an antenna, often installed in public places, that delivers sound from a microphone directly to the wireless receiver (called a t-coil) found in most hearing…
Better Hearing, Better Memory, Better Communication
My husband and I are having some communication problems. He frequently claims that I did not tell him about specific appointments or other goings-on in our daily lives. I know that I discussed these things with him. Is it his hearing or is his memory failing? How can we have better communication? Answer: The situation…
Common Dizziness Complaints
The room is spinning. When I roll over in bed I get dizzy. When I look up in the shower to rinse my hair, I almost fall down. I’ve tried not to move because I’m afraid I will get dizzy. These are common complaints we hear in the office when someone has BPPV.  BPPV, benign paroxysmal…