Hearing Loss and Heart Health
February is Hearth Health Month, designated as such in 1964 to help raise awareness about cardiovascular disease and save lives. The CDC estimates that 610,000 people die of heart disease in the US every year, making it the cause of one in every four deaths. Cardiovascular disease may be caused by a number of medical…
Plan the Perfect Valentine’s Day
You know what happens this week – Valentine’s Day! Don’t let your hearing loss prevent you from celebrating this holiday with your loved ones. Who said hearing loss should prevent you from planning a romantic evening? Going Out with Hearing Loss Having hearing loss does not have to prevent you from going out for a…
Tinnitus Week
February 5-11 is Tinnitus Week. For the second year, the American Tinnitus Association has joined forces with the British Tinnitus Association, Tinnitus Research Initiative and TinnitusHub to help raise global awareness of tinnitus and how it impacts millions around the world. Your hearing loss specialists at Arizona Hearing are proud to be part of the…
Improving Communication with Hearing Loss
Communicating with others when you have hearing loss can be stressful for both parties. Even when hearing devices are used, proper communication strategies are essential for maximizing the experience. Whether you use hearing devices or not, if you suffer from hearing loss, the following tips may help you. Tips to Help You Communicate Better Maintain…
Feel the Beat: A Dance Studio for the Hard-of-Hearing
A state-of-the-art dance studio, called Feel the Beat, has opened in Denver, Colorado. The studio, also a nonprofit, brings music and dance to the deaf, heard-of-hearing and special needs community. Feel the Beat dance classes are open to everybody, as their ultimate goal is to create an inclusive community. Utilizing Bone Conduction Technology Feel the…
New Study Supports Brain Training for Seniors with Hearing Loss
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), approximately one in three people between ages 65 and 75 experiences hearing loss. For those over 75, the statistic is closer to one in two. The term for age-related is presbycusis, which is caused by natural wear and tear of the auditory system….
What Causes Temporary Hearing Loss?
For most, hearing loss is a condition that comes on gradually over a long period of time. But in some cases, hearing loss can occur with little or no warning. This type of hearing loss is known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL). What Is Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss? Sudden sensorineural hearing loss, or SSHL…
Resolve to Treat Your Hearing Loss (Part 2)
You did it! You met with your Tucson audiologist and had them confirm the cause and extent of your hearing loss, so now what? The next step in your resolution to treat your hearing loss is to determine what type of treatment plan is best for your hearing loss. While this may seem daunting, that’s…
Resolve to Treat Your Hearing Loss
Happy New Year! And with that comes the onslaught of resolutions; some you may keep while most will fall by the wayside. Make this the year the year you finally do something about your hearing loss. Start the process now by calling your Tucson hearing loss doctor and scheduling an appointment. Once you arrive for…
2017 Donation Drive
The team at Arizona Hearing Specialists banded together recently to support the St. Andrew’s Children’s Clinic. Members from all three locations came together and collected clothing, toys and non-perishable food items for needy children and families. For more than 35 years, Arizona Hearing Specialists has been providing clinical support and volunteer assistance. St. Andrew’s Children’s…