Can Untreated Hearing Loss Lead to Injury?
If you’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss in Tucson or Green Valley, there’s more at risk than a little embarrassment over misunderstanding a word or two. Hearing loss has been linked to a number of physical, emotional and social ailments, including accidental injury. Why is this the case? For several reasons, it turns out. Hearing…
What to Expect at Your First Appointment
Whether you have been newly diagnosed with hearing loss or have been wearing hearing aids for a while, if you’re a first-time patient at Arizona Hearing Specialists, we’ve got some helpful tips to assist you. First off, welcome! You have made an excellent decision in choosing us for your hearing health care needs. Arizona Hearing…
Questions You Should Ask Your Audiologist
After years of nagging, begging and pleading from your family and friends, you finally picked up the phone and scheduled an appointment with your Green Valley audiologist. Now that the visit is coming up, it is time to prepare. Get your insurance cards together and organize your thoughts. Below are the questions you should be…
Can Secondhand Smoke Cause Hearing Loss?
Pediatric hearing loss can be caused by a number of factors, including: genetic issues prenatal problems premature birth otitis media (ear infection) illnesses physical trauma exposure to loud noises medications The Study Researchers from Japan looked into another possible cause – cigarette smoke. The study, published in Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology looked at the data…
Are Your Ears Ready for Summer?
Summer is quickly approaching, especially for those folks who choose to overlook the June 21 official start date and just consider summer the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day. With that comes backyard barbeques, pool parties and vacations. But there are some summer activities that leave you with more than everlasting memories; they will…
Hearing Loss Facts
This past month, Arizona Hearing has joined American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) to celebrate Better Hearing & Speech Month. Since the goal of this event is to help spread awareness of hearing loss and speech disorders, your Tucson audiologists thought it would be a fitting end of the month to share a few hearing loss facts….
Hearing Loss in Children
For the month of May, those with hearing loss in Arizona and around the country banded together to help spread awareness. Better Hearing & Speech Month is a month-long event with the goal of not only educating the public about hearing and speech disorders but also encouraging those who may be experiencing an issue to…
Communication Tips for Better Hearing & Speech Month
Better Hearing & Speech Month is going strong this May. With this year’s theme being “Communication for All,” your Tucson audiologist thought this would be the perfect time to share some tips for improving your ability to communicate with someone who has hearing loss. Maintain Eye Contact. Face the person you are talking to directly,…
Better Hearing & Speech Month
May is here, and with that comes Better Hearing & Speech Month. Last year, we posted a blog about the origins of this month-long movement to raise awareness of hearing loss and speech problems. Now we are looking at how you can help spread the word and get the message out there. How Can You…
Help End Noise Pollution
The world is full of sounds. According to a number of organizations, such as the World Health Organization, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and even the U.S Census Bureau, this excess noise poses a real danger to human health and well-being. What is Noise Pollution? The excessive noise we all experience in our daily lives is called…