How to Be a Better Colleague to Coworkers with Hearing Loss
People with hearing loss in Tucson who must punch the timeclock face difficulties that can hamper their productivity and make the 9-to-5 grind even more demanding than it is for those of us whose biggest concern is whether heating up last night’s leftovers in the break room microwave might make the office smell like fish….
Hearing Loss is Mentally & Physically Exhausting
People with hearing loss in Tucson often find themselves exhausted, both mentally and physically. There’s a good reason for this: the brain works harder to make sense of sounds when you are unable to hear clearly. The term for this is listening fatigue. The Brain & Hearing You might think your ears are primarily responsible…
Misophonia: When Ordinary Sounds Trigger Unordinary Responses
Hearing disorders are common throughout Arizona – and not all of them have to do with an inability to hear. About 15 percent of people suffer from misophonia in Tucson. This aversion to everyday sounds causes intense emotions such as rage, fear and panic. Understanding Misophonia Misophonia is a hearing disorder characterized by an extreme…
Visiting an Audiologist? Bring Along a Companion!
If you have recently been diagnosed with hearing loss or referred to an audiologist in Tucson for further evaluation, you probably have a lot of emotions swirling through your head. It’s natural to feel a little nervous when facing the unexpected. Bringing a companion along to your first appointment will provide you with a familiar…
Navigating Tucson’s Roads Safely with Hearing Loss
Individuals with hearing loss in Tucson are faced with challenges in everyday life that most of us take for granted. Driving is one of them; it isn’t enough to buckle up and adjust your mirrors – if you have hearing loss, you’ll have to take extra precautions to ensure safe travels, whether you’re running errands…
The Link Between Mumps & Hearing Loss
There are many different factors that can lead to hearing loss in Tucson. Some of them we can’t do much about, like aging, while others such as noise-induced hearing loss are preventable with a few precautions. Viral infections are one of the most common causes of hearing loss, and one of those has been making…
Acting Legends with Hearing Loss
Now that this year’s Academy Awards celebration has come and gone, you’ve probably had your fill of red carpet spectacle for a little while. Whether or not your favorite film took top honors, awards season is the perfect time to think about celebrities deserving of recognition who have an additional obstacle to overcome: hearing loss….
Inability to Hear Smoke Detectors a Hearing Hazard
Hearing loss is inconvenient at times. It can certainly cause stress, anxiety and fatigue. Worst of all, people with hearing loss in Tucson might not be able to hear a smoke detector going off in the event of a fire. Smoke Alarms Save Lives…When You Can Hear Them The number of people who perish in…
Hearing Loss Can Lead to Poor Academic Performance
When your child brings home a report card with more Ds and Fs than As and Bs, you’re likely to be disappointed – and they’ll probably lose a few privileges. While “it’s not my fault!” is one of the oldest excuses in the book (right after “my dog ate my homework”), there may be some…
Household Hearing Hazards
They say a man’s home is his castle, but much as those medieval fortresses faced a multitude of threats, danger lurks within your own house. You won’t have to contend with marauding bands of warriors or fire-breathing dragons, but potential hazards to your hearing aren’t anything to be taken lightly. The Dangers in Everyday Appliances…